Mary’s Meals are updating us on how they are doing this weekend and you may wish to support them as you leave the church. Next Sunday, the second collection is for Vocations and Ecclesiastical Students. This collection pays for our Paisley seminarians studying in Rome. In the 2022-23 term we will have only one student, whose seminary fees are around £20,000 per year. As well as supporting our student this collection goes to the upkeep of our Scots College in Rome which welcomes many visitors from Scotland as a place of hospitality for Scots in Rome. In 2021 total income for vocations was £32,869 which included £21,385 from the Covid-19 impacted collections and £8,834 from the Friends campaign standing orders plus other donations and gift aid. This total income of £32,869 represented 48% of our expenditure of £68,599, resulting in a shortfall of £35,690, which was funded from general diocesan reserves. We are hopeful that with your continuing support we may be much closer to breaking even with our vocations funding in 2022. Second Collections Mary’s Meals are updating us on how they are doing this weekend and you may wish to support them as you leave the church. Next Sunday, the second collection is for Vocations and Ecclesiastical Students. This collection pays for our Paisley seminarians studying in Rome. In the 2022-23 term we will have only one student, whose seminary fees are around £20,000 per year. As well as supporting our student this collection goes to the upkeep of our Scots College in Rome which welcomes many visitors from Scotland as a place of hospitality for Scots in Rome. In 2021 total income for vocations was £32,869 which included £21,385 from the Covid-19 impacted collections and £8,834 from the Friends campaign standing orders plus other donations and gift aid. This total income of £32,869 represented 48% of our expenditure of £68,599, resulting in a shortfall of £35,690, which was funded from general diocesan reserves. We are hopeful that with your continuing support we may be much closer to breaking even with our vocations funding in 2022.