Our Friends Fundraising Campaign has visited just over half our parishes and will visit the remainder, one by one, over the next two years. The hope was to eventually engender around £100,000pa from this fund through standing orders and direct debits. The good news is that parishioners across the diocese have so far signed up to £70,000pa this way, while others have topped it up to £83,000 through one off donations or fundraising events. This will allow us to fund: our Retired Priests’ Care, our five Seminarians and Vocations Promotion, our Marriage and Families Care, our Youth and Safeguarding Office, our SPRED Ministry and our contribution to our national Education, Parliamentary, Justice and Peace and Communications services. While carrying on this successful Fundraising Campaign we will also provide you with more information about each Special Second Collection through the year as it comes up to allow you a better informed giving. Many thanks to our fundraising team for their dedicated work and to all who have given so generously so far.